Newsletter 3

Newsletter 3

European Youth and Culture Club Rules Implemented by Example Schools Highlights from Culture Club Reports I.I.S.S. “Giancarlo Siani” – Casalnuovo
Adalya College Utena ‘Saule’ Gymnasium

A word commonly used, containing infinite meanings and nuances. Let’s talk about culture.
It can be extremely complex, as it includes undefined facets, on the place,the time and
the people you relate to. From the latin colere, "to cultivate", it indicates the set of intellectual knowledge,
acquired through study and experience,subjectively reworked to enrich the spirit and to
improvethe abilities of the individual within the community. Spreading the culture.
The club EIGHTEEN+ (arrows towards culture) is committed to breaking down prejudices and enhancing the attitudes of young people, through the dissemination of the social principles that characterize their traditions, accompanying them in the streets through which children wish to walk, and through projects and meetings that allow them to meet.

In particular, EIGHTEEN+ has identified eighteen different routes, hence the name that characterizes it but does not limit it. The choice, in fact, to add "+" is not random: culture is in everything you look at. Because the possible directions are multiple and they range in numerous fields, the club’s desire is to integrate as many inclinations, characteristics and passions as possible.
❖ Literature: as ideas advocate and information fomenter, it influences expressions, thoughts and, unknowingly, changes human beings
❖ Music: with sweet notes and entrancing melodies, it inspires poets, enhances feelings and creates emotions
❖ Cinema: the expression of human reality observed in a different way, suitable for every genre and perfect for every eventuality
❖ Craftsmanship: with meticulous detail and care, it is a skillful ally of beauty, it captures the particularity of a place, an object, a being
❖ Territorial configuration: through nature and environment, it influences stories and the needs of peoples
❖ History: timeless narrator of victories and defeats, stories of men, slaves and masters, authors of success and failures
❖ Artistic heritage: sculpture, painting and architecture, inestimable and inexhaustible source of gratitude and amazement towards the magnificence of
the human intellect.
❖ Folklore: myths and legends tell of lethal creatures, the right balance between fear and adventure. To believe in it you need only a pinch of madness
❖ Fashion: world of luminescent colours, a vortex of creativity and innovation, where the only revered god is the charm
❖ Dance: union between poetry and revolution, inner ocean of splendour and light
❖ Languages: rhythm and vivacity, distinctive trait of the individual and the community
❖ Education: exclusive source of freedom for anyone who is about to approach it. Knowledge is power!
❖ Photography: a way to capture and make eternal a moment, a truth imprinted on paper that has the ability to excite, although exceptionally concrete, an image captured
❖ Sport: an element of cohesion and adherence. It helps friendship and teaches respect
❖ Somatic aspect: distinctive feature and evidence of a people not underestimated. People who do not believe in mutual respect and affection between human beings only as such, and that make somatic peculiarities, such as the colour of the skin or the shape of the eyes, a fault, leaving out that they should simply be a boast, as an expression of human evolution
❖ Typical dishes: means to combine the useful with the pleasant. Choose typical and tasty recipes, pills of history “baked in the oven”, make people joyful and happy to eat with pleasure
❖ Traditions and recurrences: methods that have always been used by man to celebrate an anniversary, but which are simply just an excuse to stay together and to honor the joy
Point I: Intentions
• Fostering international exchanges of cultures and traditions
• Breaking down the walls of prejudice and destroying clichés
• Creating a climate of harmony between the various European ethnic groups in order to create a cohesive and respectful society
• Encouraging a multi-ethnic community for the future
• Improving the judgment of young people to enable them to be men and women succeed and open to change
Point II: Members
Every European teenager (12-20 years old) has the opportunity to join EIGHTEEN+. Registration for the club must be accompanied by a document (videos, photos, texts, recipes, music tracks, artistic production and other) produced by the person who wishes to enroll. Each testimony collected is inserted within a dedicated section in the official website of the club, in order to make sure that everyone can contribute to the growth of the values of which EIGHTEEN+ is the spokesperson, giving a part of himself/herself and his/her knowledge.
Point III: Positions
▪ Each participating school freely chooses one means of culture identified by EIGHTEEN+, maybe the one it feels most represented by
▪ The club has smaller locations in each of the participating schools, which in case of internal problems can relate to the headquarters of the organization and administration
Point IV: officer duties
o President = he/she is at the basis of the organization of the club in each acceding State. For each country there is a different president, who is responsible for managing the respective heads of all the smaller offices, to plan the proposed initiatives, to be the first spokesperson of the promoted values and through its solid presence he/she encourages the team to work and young people to choose the culture around them;
o Vice President = he /she assists the President in the organization of the club, replaces him in case of need, andin meetings, assembly and conferences that do not require the presence of the President; he/she generates minute of the meetings held, he/she transcribes and organize the initiatives proposed by the club, he/she inform the heads of smaller venues about particular events or meetings arranged by leading leaders;
o Webmaster / Social Media Manager = he/she is responsible for creating an effective, attractive, organized and fast website (see point VII)¸ he/she is
responsible for the social pages of the club, through the sharing of attractive information, photos, tweets, posts, stories and videos directly from the
productionof the members, to show effectively, easily what EIGHTEEN+ deals with;
Point V: Organisation of meetings
▪ The central committee will be composed of the President, Vice President, Social Media Manager. They are responsible for decisions relating to the
internal organization of the club,
▪ The meetings will be convened by the President in the case one of the members of the Central Committee should raise a problem, or in more relevant cases, if the question is raised by one of the responsible persons.
▪ During the year, about every two/three months, the president will convene a meeting with in order to be informed about the progress of the club in the
smaller venues, the participation and preferences of students
▪ The President and Vice President will always be available for any matter or problem.
Point VI: Activities
ASKING FOR: this is a project that is based on an exchange of letters opened to all members of the club. Each participant has the opportunity to send a message, anonymously, to the website of the club containing a question (or more) about characteristics and traditions of a particular country; the answers are free and available to everyone, on a page open to the dialogue, to the considerations and the sharing.
MEETING: during the course of that year each State is responsible for organizing meetings, virtual and non, to which all members of the association
are invited to participate, aimed to promote the typical cultural features of the place, through lessons from specialist of the field.
EUROPEANS OF CULTURE: every four years a big event is organized in the city chosen for that year, to which all members are invited. Each country is a
candidate, the members of the Youth Club vote for a country. The event lasts several days. Through guided tours and excursions, people will have the
opportunity to know the culture and the popular and historical tradition of the place. Tours can also be virtual in order to allow those who aren’t able to travel to “experience the sounds, the colors and the beauty” of another country.

TIME TO TRY: “students become teachers” and make up videos to teach chunks of their language or ways of saying, to members from other countries. These videos will be uploaded on a special section of the website.
21 MAY: On 21st May, International Day of Culture, EIGHTEEN+ invites all members to demonstrate peacefully in public places in order to spread the
EIGHTEEN+ community values
• GREEN PLACE: students are invited to prepare documents (videos, presentations..) in which they show green places and areas where the flora and
fauna of their territory lives untouched despite the technological advancement of the last century.
STRANGE NORMAL THINGS (podcasts, recipes, everyday life): it is a project based on interactive sharing of your everyday life. Each State, however obvious, has its own habits related to different lifestyles, for this reason the basic idea is to tell the "strange normal things", those little things that characterize our day but that for others can represent a novelty. It will be divided into three sections: i. Everyday life: this is a video in which everyone is free to film himself/herself and shows his/her culinary habits, a tradition typical of his/her country, a custom related to the means of transport, the
configurationof the city and so on. All videos will be collected in a special section onthe official website; ii. Podcast: a podcast accessible to all through various platforms (such as
spotify) where one or more students from each country, weekly, talk about musical trends in their state: ranking of the most listened songs, hits of the
moment, most appreciated bands, relevant genre and so on; iii. Recipes: this is a section on the website dedicated to culinary peculiarities
from different places in Europe. Anyone who wants can resume the preparation of a recipe typical of his/her place and publish it on the official page of EIGHTEEN+ that will be accessible to all, in order to feel the others and their culture increasingly closer in an easy and good
FILM PARTY: this is an initiative that aims to promote various ways of culture chosen by the central council, which will suggest the film to watch, and open a free debate among students. The film will be viewed in English with access to subtitles in different languages, via Skype or other platforms.
• SOCIAL (instagram, twitter, tiktok): the club will have social pages where it is possible to share curiosity, information, initiatives, projects, and areas open to dialogue among young people
NEWSLETTER: this is a newspaper webpage, in which the editor inserts allthe cultural events held during the week/month, the feedback, and various
considerations on the subject, and at the same time all the events that will be upcoming (exhibitions, environmental initiatives, guided tours, theater
performances, etc.) to keep young people updated on the cultural projects of their country. The newsletter will be placed on the website, in a dedicated section.
Point VII: Website
The website will initially be divided into five sections, one for each country within the initiative. Then, each of these five will be divided into eighteen sub-sections, one for each road identified by EIGHTEEN+, and within these a synthesis of all the ways in which culture will be available. Then there will be all the above-mentioned international sections containing the documents produced by the students. The website will contain:
• Initial testimonies
• Letters from ASKING FOR
• Everyday videos of STRANGE NORMAL THINGS
• Video by TIME TO TRY
• Video by GREEN PLACE
Point VIII: Ethical Code of Members
Each member, with respect to the cultures will have to prove:
• Respectful
• Grateful
• In favour of mutual exchange
• Curious
• Empathetic
• Desiring to be informed
Each member, with respect to cultures, shall not prove to be:
• Discriminator
• Imposer
• Believer in prejudice
• Violent
CLUB NAME: Adalya College European Youth and Culture Club
It is a club that aims the students of Private Adalya College to have knowledge, experience and life about the cultures of the society they belong to and
different societies by participating in social and cultural activities. The club's business and operations are carried out in accordance with the MoNE Social Activities Regulation and in accordance with the provisions of the Club's Bylaws.
1. To provide the students of our school with necessary information about the EU and to raise awareness.
2. To inform students about EU projects the school is involved in, and to encourage students to participate in project activities.
3. To enable our school students and teachers to share social and cultural life by interacting with students and teachers from different countries, primarily the schools with project partnerships.
4. To ensure that our students and teachers have knowledge, experience and life about different cultural structures.
5. Informative panels, conferences, presentations, excursions, exhibitions, workshops, etc. about different cultural structures and their features. to organize.
6. To organize social and cultural activities in and out of school by cooperating with other social clubs.
7. Intellectual outputs, photos, videos, etc., to promote and disseminate all kinds of events suitable for club purposes. to obtain.
8. You can share the results of the activities with photos, videos, documents, bulletins, exhibitions, etc. via eTwinning, Facebook, website, Instagram, Discord, Admin Project, Google Drive etc. ways to share with relevant stakeholders.
9. To provide our students with effective communication skills, to strengthen their foreign languages, to create opportunities to learn new languages.
10.To provide our teachers and students with the skills to adapt to new situations, solve problems, establish and maintain healthy human relations.
11.To increase the efficiency of all kinds of learning processes in our school, to contribute to the increase of academic success of students and to be more ready
for their higher education.
• Middle and high school students enrolled in Adalya College are natural members of the club.
• Volunteer teachers working at secondary and high school levels from Adalya College schools can become members of the club.
• Students who graduate from the 12th grade of Adalya College become honorary members of the club. They participate in the activities of the club on
a voluntary basis. They cannot vote in the general assembly elections.
• Member records are kept and updated by the club secretary.
Secondary and high school students enrolled in Adalya College schools and secondary and high school teachers who are members of the club constitute the
general assembly of Adalya College European Youth and Culture Club.
The General Assembly holds an elective meeting at least (1) a year, at the beginning of the academic year (in September). An extraordinary meeting may be held upon
the call of the Board of Directors and/or the written application of at least (20) members to the School Directorate.
The meeting time and agenda are notified to the school directorate and members by e-mail at least one (1) week before the meeting.
1. To elect the members of the club's board of directors (5 principal, 3 substitutes). At the general assembly meeting held at the beginning of the
academic year, among the members present at the meeting, among the candidates who are candidates for the board of directors, the first (5) member
is elected as a full member and the next (3) member is elected as alternate member of the board of directors, starting with the member who receives the
most with secret ballot, open classification.
2. To elect the members of the supervisory board (2 principal, 2 substitutes). At
the general assembly meeting held at the beginning of the academic year,
among the members present at the meeting, among the candidates for the
board of directors, the first (2) principal member and the next (2) alternate
member of the supervisory board are elected by secret ballot, open
classification, starting with the member who gets the most.
3. To approve the work report of the board of directors for the previous
academic year. At the elective general assembly meeting held at the
beginning of the academic year, the previous year's work report submitted to
the general assembly by the board of directors is submitted to the votes of the
members present in the board, after the approval of the supervisory board is
taken. Voting is done openly by show of hands. The study report is approved
if it is approved by the absolute majority of the members present at the
meeting. In case the working report is not suitable, the principal members of
the board of directors cannot participate in the elections of the new board of
The Board of Directors consists of (3) full and (3) substitute members, according to
the voting results at the general assembly meeting. The term of office of the board
of directors is (1) academic year.
The board of directors consists of (1) President, (1) Vice-President, (1) Secretary, (2)
members. The distribution of duties is determined at the first board meeting to be
held within one (1) week after the general assembly. The student who gets the most
votes in the elections held in the general assembly instead of the one who leaves the
board of directors for any reason becomes a full member.
Board of Directors meeting is held at least once a month. Board meetings are held
with the participation of permanent members. It is sufficient for (3) members to
come together for the Board of Directors meeting to be held. It can be held in
extraordinary meetings upon the call of the Chairman of the Board. The meetings are
recorded in the minutes by the secretary of the board and signed by the members
present at the meeting.
1. To distribute duties at the first board meeting held after the general assembly.
2. To prepare the Club's Annual Work Plan and submit it to the approval of the
school principal.
3. To register middle school and high school students for club membership.
4. Contacting graduate students and enrolling those who volunteer as honorary
members of the club.
5. To hold meetings at least (1) a month, to evaluate the club's work, to
determine the club's work to be done in the next month.
6. To organize all kinds of activities to be held under the name of the club, to
determine and assign the students who will take part in the activities.
7. To ensure the contact of the club with the school administration, to get the
approval of the school administration for the activities.
8. To support EU Projects involving Adalya College schools, to ensure active
participation of students in the activities to be carried out within the scope of
the projects.
9. To inform students about European Citizenship, European Culture,
Intercultural Interaction, Cultural and Social Citizenship, European Languages.
10.Organizing trips, visits, workshops, workshops, conferences, panels, seminars,
social, cultural, artistic and sportive events.
11.To prepare the annual work report at the end of the academic year and to
present it to the general assembly to be held at the beginning of the next
academic year.
The Supervisory Board consists of (2) full and (2) substitute members, according to the voting results at the general assembly meeting. The term of office of the board of directors is (1) academic year.
The student who gets the most votes in the elections held in the general assembly instead of the one who leaves the board of directors for any reason becomes a full member.
The Supervisory Board audits the work carried out by the board of directors on behalf of the general assembly. At the general assembly meeting held at the beginning of the academic year, the issues related to the work report presented by the board of directors are presented to the general assembly at the same meeting. It proposes the conformity opinion regarding the Working Report to the general assembly. The study report is evaluated according to the voting result made by the general assembly.
• Information studies on the European Union.
• Information about citizenship rights, responsibilities and obligations.
• European history, culture, social and geographical structures, intercultural
interaction, multilingualism.
• Cultural citizenship, social citizenship, digital citizenship issues.
• World cultural heritage.
• Environmental issues, environmental protection.
• Disadvantaged individuals, groups. Problems and solutions in social
• Immigration and its problems.
• consumption, waste, etc.
• Youth and youth issues.
• Art, sports, social and cultural events, organizations.
• EU projects and issues.
(01/09/2019) - (31/08/2020)
The project focuses on the similarities and differences between our cultures, traditions, way of life and social inclusion. The project aims to offer students and teachers the opportunity to engage in intercultural dialogue, to deal with similarities and differences in human rights issues, and to form and develop common European values and good life attitudes. The project aims to develop and develop the basic competences of students and teachers, especially from disadvantaged groups. It consists of 2 participants as Czechia and Turkey.
(01/09/2020) - (31/08/2022)
The target set in this project is to emphasize the importance of protecting nature and beekeeping, depending on climate change, together with partners. A total of 6 participants, Slovakia, Turkey, Czechia, Latvia, Greece and Spain, are working together on the project.
(01/06/2021) - (31/05/2023)
This project will meet the EU citizenship education needs of all students aged 14-18 in the respective partner schools; It is defined as the "EU CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION PROGRAM" in the form of written material with 4 important elements: purpose, content, learning-teaching processes and
evaluation. There are 5 participants as Belgium, Portugal, Turkey, Lithuania and Poland.
(01/09/2020) - (31/08/2022)
The aim of the project is to find solutions to the problems arising from discrimination among future generations, to raise awareness among disadvantaged students, to bring disadvantaged students into society and to change their attitudes. Thanks to the project, students are expected to
be active and successful individuals in social life. There are 5 participants as Greece, Italy, Turkey, Poland and Romania.
(01/09/2020) - (31/08/2022)
The aim of the project is linked to the acquisition and development of core competencies. By participating in the project, students and teachers will develop in communication and language competences, social and digital competences, developing their creative skills, developing their cultural abilities, entrepreneurship awareness and sense. It consists of 6 partners as Czechia, Finland, Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Italy. -A Multicultural Europe with Drama,
( 01/09/2020) - (31/08/222)
In this project, Students reflect on their cultural and historical heritage by presenting their own cultural backgrounds in the fields of art, architecture, dance, drama and music. By learning these aspects in other European countries, they discover how European countries and their histories are related. While creating collaborative products such as collaborative art, folk music and dance, students learn about the high value of these arts and the great opportunities of working internationally. Students will find that by producing enriching arts, it will have a positive impact on their academic skills development and their overall performance and interest in school. Thus, they 6 experience school not only as a place of academic performance, but as a place where they can express themselves and form positive relationships with others. It consists of 4 participants as Spain, Latvia, Turkey and Italy.
(01/06/2021) - (31/05/2023)
In this project, it is aimed to provide coherent EU citizenship education and tools to embrace EU values, raise awareness about European common culture and preserve European identity. In order to achieve the EU's goal of creating an integrated Europe, it is important to provide young European individuals with EU citizenship competencies, EU values and European common cultural awareness holistically. For this reason, NWBLB will use the teacher-parent-student triangle to support students at school, provide in-school/out-of-school activities, communication, cooperation, interaction with their European peers, and share cultural responsibility together. There are 5 participants as United Kingdom, Turkey, Italy,
Norway and Lithuania.
Our students were aimed at taking responsibility for being European citizens, gaining more cultural awareness, creating interaction betweenthe people they meet, improving their capacity to co-operate with peers and facilitators and developing creative, confident, communicative and responsible citizens. They were also aimed at gaining new skills and awareness of civic participation via cooperation with NGOs/stakeholders in our club activities. They aimed at strengthening their ties with the school and increasing their interactions with the school administration, teachers and peers.
The students were interested therefore we dare say the tools used were effective. We provided chances for young people’s selfexpression and creativity. The tools were flexible. The content included
activities with a purpose, as a result, our students personally got something out of it. Furthermore, young people love socializing, for this reason our chosen tools provided chances to socialize and have fun.
Informal, less structured approaches were chosen as we consider them a better way to begin involving young people. For instance, activities or programs that are based on interests or hobbies, learning skills or simply having fun. Arts and music, games, citizenship and useful talents like cooking, video filming, taking photos and debating were developed.
Students had a chance to meet every week on Thursdays at the European Youth and Culture Club. However, sometimes they worked on their long-term projects from home. Taking part in cultural events inside and outside school were also considered to be activities of the club.
Mobilities were regarded as activities too.
We conducted get to know activities, “mixers or ice breakers”, at the beginning of club meetings with members, volunteers and teachers. We
had a “Project Share Day” where every member brings a project they have completed and share what they learned and what they liked
about it and maybe recommend it to others. The club values were commonly established that demonstrate respect, concern and sensitivity
to the needs of others.











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